Friday, July 25, 2014

Greetings from KTM, Nepal!

KTM, Nepal (2014)

Nepal and I are going to get along wonderfully. The flight in was beautiful and the reality of being reunited with the Himalayas again made my heart race. There is something magnetic for me about the landscape. The rolling foothills that led our plane, valley by valley, into Katmandu were totally different than the bitter cold and drastic peaks that greeted me in Ladakh, but there is the same energy that drew me to them before. I can’t believe I get to spend the next five months here!

My ride from the airport to my new home was wonderfully uneventful. There was no traffic, no nail biting driving maneuvers. I exclaimed to my fellow passengers in the car, “It’s so orderly!” They laughed, commenting that no one ever says that about Katmandu. But seriously, compared to Dhaka I practically felt like we were in the USA!

Ladakh, India (2011)

My hosts warned me again about the noise of their house, but frankly it’s the quietest environment I have been in since leaving the States. The dog does bark and the rooster crows, but its calm. I can feel my thoughts in my head settling, no longer having to compete with the noise and rush of Dhaka. There is a courtyard with a garden and the area is residential, so I think I will have more freedom to explore and go for walks, as there are no crowded sidewalks!!

Starting Sunday, I will embark on a totally different internship. I don’t know what to anticipate, but I have a feeling it is going to provide me challenges, experiences and questions that I have never had before. I’ll do my best to update the blog more faithfully than I have been, as I think I will have much to say. Plus, I still have Bangladesh adventures worthy of recording!


  1. Good coffee and your blog in the morning make for a great day! I love you and am so glad you've made it safely!

  2. Enjoy the adventures, Taylor Knoop! You rock.
